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Spectacular 2015

16th-18th January 2015
MAEPS Serdang
Good morning.I am in Spectacular mood again.This is my 4th Spectacular and i never miss this BIG event which is only once a year.Glad to know that i know some positive friends and most important--I have grow my personal development.
For new people who first time join this BIG event,is help you to gain more confidence and know more company background.For senior member,this is the RIGHT event to help you find your WHY!Yes,i still remember my WHY herbalife! 
Selfie while waiting the door open.

We Love Selfie

It is too many many HEAD..hahah


My great Partner Carrey Chua.Never miss to take photo with her in any event.Here we ARE!C Rionaldo is with us.Hehe

Donation Time by taking Herbalife Nutrition at Shake Bar!Spreading the LOVE to people around us who needed.

I love SKIN!Have you had your SKIN?
Last but not least,thanks for my coach who always guide me and support me!
My New Year Resolutions:
2 Supervisor go Extravaganza with ME!
I believe I can DO it!