Monday, January 5, 2015

#Throw Back#
Date : 31t December 2014
Time : 4.00pm
Venue : Gym at True Fitness Kenanga
Theme : Exercise Time
Hooray...Our LAST Gym time at Raja Chulan True Fitness Centre.Thanks Veron,we got FREE Gym for 2 weeks..hahah.How many days you spend for exercise?If you said to me NO TIME,then GOOD LUCK to you.You spend 8 hours to build someone's dream,but why you dont have time for yourself to have a HEALTHY  ACTIVE  LIFESTYLE?

                                     After Exercise,is time to have our Nutrition Shake as our meal.
Dont forgot to take GROUPFIE!!!!!hahaah
Last but not least,lets continue our journey in Herbalife and continue help more People to enjoy Healthy Active Lifestyle!!!!!

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