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Date : 19th October 2014
Venue : Mydin USJ
Activity : Roadshow
Roadshow at Mydin USJ for 2 days. In these two days,i managed to help 14 people to know about Herbalife.Of course,some people said YES,some people say NO.But no problem,i believe NO means Next Opportunity.I still enjoy it..hahaha.

At last,i managed to break my eggs too in Sunday..is really last minute..haha.I don't care how many rejection I received,because I only look for serious person.So,congratz to Yanik.She choose to be SMART to have her shake as her breakfast.

We are what we eat.I prefer to feed my body with a good nutrition to have a Healthy Active Lifestyle.But some people they don't understand the simple concept.They prefer to choose to have their medicine.That is no wrong or right.We respect your decision.

So,what do you think?