Thursday, October 16, 2014

 I decided start to have my 1 week protein meal from yesterday.So,this is my 2nd day lunch meal,which is high protein meal.brocoli and edible mushroom.If you wanna gain muscle and lost weight,80% food and 20% exercise.So,think smart before you eat  something so that you wont regret.hahaha.We are what we eat,RIGHT?
And evening,i meet my old colleague.I know her long time ago.She just like my Angel.Two years ago,i was so new in the company.Dont know everything and dont know how to socialize.So,thanks to her because she use her experience share with me how to "survive" in that company(specially you working in a family business and sometimes they wil bring their family conflict to office).But i still not to survive in that company..hahahaha..mayb god arrange for me everything.
Now,i love my current job right now.And i very enjoy what i do everyday.
So today,we apply the MINT MASK together which can give us result in 7 days.Good things must share to your good friend maa...

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