2:43 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Venue: Putrajaya Presint 3
Date:10th May 2015 Sunday
Time: 7.30am
Haha..This is my second run of this year.After rest 4 months,now start my engine with 7KM .
7km is not long distance,and not a short distance.haha..But you need time to complete to run.Of course you will feel exhausted during the run.What can do?Drink more water when you reach water station..haha.But before i run,i had my strawberry shake as my pre-meal.Of course you not only need nutrition when you want Run,i drink nutrition as my breakfast everyday.Of course,i boost up my energy and also better stamina.During this 7km run, i seldom walk.Most of the time,i run or slow jog.Feel great..hehe.I didnt go for jogging for everday,just only spend 10-20 minutes per day simple workout at home.Manage to complete my 7km run at 1 hour..haha.Quite long actually..hehe..rest 4 months maaa.....oklah..keep it up again.Next Run--12km.Hope have a little bit improvement yaa..
8000 bottle Milo Giveaways..

Owh no..Long time didnt touch the badminton racket already..

Nic,Healeeds and Me!!!We are running kaki.

Yes..I want burn Fat!

We love SELFIE..

With a Milo Guy(in the middle)