Tuesday, April 29, 2014







面包配牛油或kaya: 270(预计)热咖啡:   445 kcal(预计)

天啊!只是早餐就已经吃了715 kcal..@@

Breakfast is indeed a very important meal.A good breakfast fuels you up and gets you ready for the days.But,ARE YOU REALLY EAT THE RIGHT BREAKFAST?

Here is some Food that people will take as their breakfast:

Bread and Coffee

Normally this is student's beloved choice,convenient and cheaper.Coffee and bread is high carbohydrates and high sugar level food.Your blood glucose level change when you eat. Do you feel that you will sleepy and low energy at afternoon?is because the breakfast we eat,it cause your blood glucose up and down so fast.

Let See the Bread and Coffee's Calories:
bread and butter or kaya:  270kcal (estimate)
Coffee: 445 kcal (estimate)

Oh my god..we already eat 715
kcal in the pretty morning.Do you like it?

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