10:46 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Hello...Long Time No See.

Got something to share with you all.

Herbalife has opened up a life for a girl called Jaja.At the age of 35, she is an adopted child to a couple and living with also many adopted child who now are her adopted siblings.At the age of 35,Jaja never stepped into the well known cafe called Paparich,has never shop anywhere,who has very little friends.Because for the past 13 years,she devoted herself to her mak angkat by waking up 4am every morning making and selling nasi lemak by the road side.Her mak angkat never pay her a single cent ,she controls Jaja's money.At the age of 35,Jaja still has to ask for money from her.Jaja knows our mission when i share the nutrition to her last 2012.This is how Jaja's life begin to make a new page.Weighing at nearly 120kg,she has one anak angkat because she thought no one will marry her  and her life is just to be going like this.We had a deep conversation with her between me and my coach Lai Ching about her life motivation,about why she want to change,about how this mission can change her life.I love Herbalife and this mission so much.Lets support Jaja.Jaja,i believe in you.You can do it.