1:11 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Day 2  Bangkok泰好玩(12.06.2015 星期五)


从酒店Phorm Phong站出发去。
终于!在第二天找到了咖啡!30 baht..泰国的咖啡虽然是甜,但是味道还可以接受。莫非,真的是,外国的月亮比较圆?哈哈
我们来到泰国最有名的big Lobster Mee.不好意思的说,当时天气超热,真的没心去留意地点。哈哈
deng !deng!deng!一个人,是吃不完的。

吃饱了,大伙儿就去Impact Challenger Register.我们12人坐巴士到会场。一人只需30baht..
大概下午1点左右,我们来到了impact challenger..人山人。这证明herbalife mission is EXPANDING  now!看看后面戴帽子那位Darren,嚣张地展示和其他国家交换奶昔的战利品呢!


登记完了,就去玩游戏。完全没难度,你看!我们仨人(我,Carmen Yaw和 Nic)各自拿到战利品!哈哈
话说,我也忘记了自己去了哪里的夜市。只知道靠近BTS Mochit站,走路5分钟就可以了。我们大概走了2个小时,就决定离开。Rachel和Dereck还问,你们继续吗?要的话,我们就去soi 38吃好料。hmmmm..好吧。去!!!!
走完了夜市,来到靠近我们酒店的soi 38..堪称美食街.食物琳琅满目,应有尽有!当然,不可以不吃泰国的Pork Leg Rice(猪脚饭)。Ho chiak!60 baht.



整排椅子由我们Herbalife geng包办!


3:17 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Day 1 Bangkok泰好玩



大伙儿从KLIA 2出发了。至于我们俩,行李超重。哈哈。左减又减,塞到背包都满满了。不过,偶尔的小意外是好事,可以让我们“经一事,长一智”。哈哈
上飞机咯。感谢Nic Ng帮我拍到那么美的照片。(第一次你拍照那么有专业水准,哇哈哈哈)
肚子打鼓了。一下到快铁,就看到当地美食。Ho Chiak..haha.每一条15 baht.
来到了靠近我们酒店的Station.一出站就看到了高级的shopping mall Emquatier.好漂亮的广场。
回到酒店后,再出来走走。(大概10.30pm)走了大概半个小时,原以为可以找到当地咖啡和小吃。应该是夜深人静,小贩们都回去睡觉了。寻寻觅觅,那人却在灯火阑珊处。怎么说呢?我们走了整条街,都找不到东西吃。结果,就只有最靠近我们的酒店还有宵夜吃。就来了两碗Padthai.某人(Nic)还忘记了自己身在泰国,居然跟小贩说Padthai DUA!@@.很好吃,甜甜的。旁边还放了辣椒粉。你可以选择要还是不要。贪心的我,一下子放太多辣椒粉。结果.....@@


12:39 PM Unknown 0 Comments








2:43 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Venue: Putrajaya Presint 3
Date:10th May 2015 Sunday
Time: 7.30am
Haha..This is my second run of this year.After rest 4 months,now start my engine with 7KM .
7km is not long distance,and not a short distance.haha..But you need time to complete to run.Of course you will feel exhausted during the run.What can do?Drink more water when you reach water station..haha.But before i run,i had my strawberry shake as my pre-meal.Of course you not only need nutrition when you want Run,i drink nutrition as my breakfast everyday.Of course,i boost up my energy and also better stamina.During this 7km run, i seldom walk.Most of the time,i run or slow jog.Feel great..hehe.I didnt go for jogging for everday,just only spend 10-20 minutes per day simple workout at home.Manage to complete my 7km run at 1 hour..haha.Quite long actually..hehe..rest 4 months maaa.....oklah..keep it up again.Next Run--12km.Hope have a little bit improvement yaa..
8000 bottle Milo Giveaways..

Owh no..Long time didnt touch the badminton racket already..

Nic,Healeeds and Me!!!We are running kaki.

Yes..I want burn Fat!

We love SELFIE..

With a Milo Guy(in the middle)


3:33 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Sometimes I will lost control also too..hehe.Eating too much and lost focus.But i am very grateful that i have a Great Partners who can motivate and encourage you Control DIET.Surrounded yourself with people who loves Healthy Active Lifestyle.
80% Nutrition + 20%Workout = 100% Mindset
Now our topic is Have you had shake today?What shake flavour do you like?What do you eat as your lunch?Do you have your workout today?Lol
 And also.Givea big Clap to my new friend Raymond.He managed to fit his small size tshirt and also learn to cook his protein lunch..Welldone.Your results is my satisfaction.Is not about money,but is Feeling.Do more good things,you will feel good.And i believe i will receive more good things.


3:18 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Date: 06 May 2015 Wednesday
I have to admit that I am Human Being also.Sometimes we will lost Focus,lost direction and emotional.Of course every people will have UP and DOWN.No worry!!!We have to accept it at all,because this is our LIFE.What you can DO?simple..take a vacation and relax.No matter how many days..as long as you truly happy.And also dont forgot call and meet up your friend who.Is a Good Feelings.
2 days 1 night in Penang,not so long holiday.But is enough for me.We all CHEERS,LAUGH,EAT,WALK,DRINK,PHOTO....just RELAX and forgot about CALORIES.hahaha
You see the signboard.Good Friends Never Bojio.


Again Selfie..

Me and Ker Sin.Really long time no see you lah.

Villads.A backpacker from Germany.A nice guy.

Me and Nic..看到他的脸,好像离不SELFIE这个字。haha
ok.After my vacation,is time to FOCUS on your work.haha.


5:28 PM Unknown 0 Comments



1:55 PM Unknown 0 Comments

芝加哥大学睡眠研究专家科奥特博士说,睡眠不足会造成女人体内的荷尔蒙失调,造成食量增加、脂肪储存增多,结果就是变胖! 睡眠不足更容易饿 可能你没有留意过,当你觉得疲倦的时候,你会吃得更多。芝加哥大学做了一个有趣的试验,让一组人每天睡5个半小时,另一组人每天睡8个半小时,录两组人进食的状况。结果,睡眠时间少的那组人每天平均多摄入221卡热量。这是一个什么概念呢?两周以后,这些热量会转化为大约1斤的脂肪!专家说,当女人缺乏睡眠,体内一种叫做ghrelin的生长激素会激增,这种激素会让人食欲大增;而同时体内的一种叫做leptin的“瘦素”水平会下降,这种“瘦素”负责给人发送“饱腹”信号,它的减少意味着你对是否已经吃饱的感知度会降低,容易进食过量。此外,当你缺乏睡眠的时候,你不仅仅是想吃东西,而且更想吃不那么健康的食品,别渴望简单的碳水化合物食品,如巧克力、面食和糖果,因为它们转化成能量的速度更快。 睡眠不足脂肪储存会增多 当你进入深睡眠后,你的大脑就会释放很多生长激素,这种激素会指示你的身体分解脂肪、释放能量。但如果你吸收了多余的卡路里,同时又缺乏深度睡眠,那么你就缺乏足够的生长激素来分解这些脂肪。于是,你的身体就会走这样一条捷径——把多余的脂肪堆在你的臀部、大腿处和腹部。 睡眠不足体能会降低 睡眠不足会导致你精力不足,让你更不想动。 TIP 1: 每天睡足7.5小时 25-30岁女人的平均睡眠时间只有6小时40分钟,其中更有约30%的女人睡眠时间长期不足6小时,她们发胖的程度也比其他人高30%。专家的建议是,要想瘦身,每天一定要保证至少睡足7.5小时。如果周末比平时晚睡了一两个小时,第二天就晚一两个小时起床。不过,有的女人每天可能需要9个小时的睡眠。如果你已经睡够7.5小时,第二天的闹钟仍然无法把你叫醒,这说明你需要更多的睡眠。其实每个人都有自己所需的正常睡眠长度,如果睡眠时间少于这个长度,哪怕仅仅少了1个小时,也会导致体内荷尔蒙失调。但是,也并不是睡得越多瘦身效果就越好,你需要的是最适合自己的睡眠长度。为了找到这个长度,你可以试一试比平时提早15分钟上床,直到你发现自己的理想睡眠量为止,当然这可能得花上你一个星期的试验时间,但很值得一试。 TIP 2: 打造良好睡眠环境 建立一套睡前活动模式,可以是阅读,还可以是一个热水澡、10分钟的瑜伽等等。睡前活动可以在睡前45分钟到1个小时的时间开始进行。一段时间后,你的身体就会对这些特别的活动产生反应,逐渐放 松下 来,进入待睡眠状态。最后,在睡前关掉电视、电脑和你的手机。因为如果有灯光在闪烁,你的大脑就会做出觉醒反应,降低褪黑激素水平,影响深睡眠质量。 TIP 3 调整喝咖啡和喝酒的习惯 你原以为如果不喝咖啡,整个下午就没法过?如果你真是一个顽固的咖啡族,那么“下午2:30以后不喝咖啡”这一原则看上去蛮残忍的。但是请相信专家的建议——咖啡因的确会以微妙的方式影响你的睡眠。如果一开始你坚持得很辛苦,试着一步步来,比如先将你的咖啡量减半。此外,睡前3小时内也要绝对避免喝酒!酒精可能一开始让你昏昏欲睡,但却会影响你的深度睡眠,一旦酒精的催眠功能发挥完毕,你甚至可能半夜醒过来,严重妨碍身体休息。


Why low calorie diet's dont work

3:43 PM Unknown 0 Comments

girls..you eat less it doesnt mean that you will lost weight.

Yes,you will drop some kgs,but definitely not lose body fat,but is muscle mass.

Once you eat again,kg will gain in double.

We need enough calories to burn fat also.

Want to lose weight in a healthy way just like Me,Ask Me How!


Herbalife Total Control.mp4

4:18 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Hm....A Coach ask me a Good Questions.How does Tc Formula Work and Lose Weight Efficiently?

Herbalife TC Formula is a known metabolism booster made of all natural ingredients that can help you achieve the level of energy needed to regain control of your body and lifestyle.

Herbalife TC Formula contains extract from green tea, oolong tea, black tea and ginger.

Green Tea Extract: Increase resting metabolism and energy. A small study (10 men) showed that over a 24-hour period, those who consumed green tea burned more calories than those who consumed other sources of caffeine or no caffeine at all.

Oolong Tea Extract: has been found to enhance the function of fat metabolism and thus, accelerate the process of weight loss and prevent obesity.

Black Tea Extract: helps keep the waistline slim by blocking the absorption of fats. A recent study out of Japan that was published in the journal Nutrition shows that black tea blocks fat absorption into the cells and is an effective weight loss aid.

Ginger Extract: prevents fat storage and cellulite-fighting by increasing fat burning. Researchers also found that ginger prevents obesity by reducing the absorption of fat from the small intestine.


3:02 PM Unknown 0 Comments

一個月要減多少公斤才健康? 每個人的熱量需求都不同,知道自己的熱量需求,瞭解要減少多少熱量攝取,可以更有效的健康減重~常常被問到,到底一個月要減多少公斤才健康? 我們來算算看吧! 每減少7700大卡的熱量,可以少一公斤的體脂肪。而成年人的熱量,活動量低的60公斤男性每日需要約 1800-2200大卡,女生約1500-1600大卡,那是說我不吃有熱量的東西,7700除以1800,要4天後才瘦1公斤囉?? No,我們不是這樣算的! 要知道減重的熱量攝取,女性建議不低於1200大卡,男性不低於1400-1800大卡。所以如果連續三天的斷食法,不一定會減去脂肪,反而減掉健康! 最好是每日熱量減少 500 大卡,大約每週減重 0.5 公斤。或是每日少攝取 300 卡,做運動消耗 200 大卡,有相同的效果! 成人減重熱量大部分會介於 1200 -1800 大卡之間;當女性攝取量真的低於 1200 大卡,男性低於 1800 大卡時,須考慮補充綜合維生素及礦物質錠劑,來預防此類小分子的不足。



1:24 PM Unknown 0 Comments

The term 'glycemic index' is one that's heard more and more these days.  But what exactly is the Glycemic Index, and why does it matter?
Simply put, the Glycemic Index (or GI) ranks carbohydrate-containing foods by their effects on blood sugar.  Rankings are determined by measuring how much the blood sugar rises - and for how long - after the food is eaten. 
When you eat carbohydrate-rich foods, the starches and sugars they contain are converted into a sugar (called glucose) which is released into the blood, causing a rise in the blood sugar.   This glucose in your blood is important - it's the primary fuel for your brain and muscles and is, in large part, what keeps you going mentally and physically throughout your day. 
But not all foods cause your blood sugar to rise to the same degree, and this is where the Glycemic Index - or GI - comes in.
What Affects Glycemic Index?
Since the GI ranks foods according to their effects on blood sugar, anything that influences the rate at which glucose enters the bloodstream will factor in.  Since both fat and protein can slow digestion time, their presence in foods can lower the GI - that's why fatty potato chips have a lower GI than plain baked potatoes. Water-soluble fiber found in foods like oats, barley and apples also slows digestion time and reduces the GI - which explains why a fresh apple has a lower GI than apple juice.   Even cooking time can affect the GI value of a food.  As foods are cooked, their starches swell and soften, making them easier to digest.  The longer you cook noodles, for example, the higher their GI value. 
By Susan Bowerman, Director of Nutrition Training at Herbalife. Susan is a Registered Dietitian and a Board-Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics.
Note: Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix is low GI tested. 
  • Herbalife is number 1 in the world in the meal replacement shake category.


2:52 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Throw Back
Date : 07th March 2015 Saturday
Venue : Herbalife HQ Jalan Raja Chulan
Time : 9.00am
Herbalife Ltd. (NYSE:HLF) announced that its intention to include its name in the Guinness World Records as part of its 35th anniversary celebration and endeavor to promote an active and healthy life.
According to Herbalife, it will attempt to achieve a record for having the largest number of participants in a High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workout in 24 hours, which will take place in
multiple venues.
The global nutrition company scheduled the workout for the Guinness World Records on March 7 at 9:00 in the morning, local time in cities across the globe.
So,me and my comrades choose Herbalife HQ as our workout place!Hehe
Selfie is a TREND now.After workout,lets selfieeeee!But,i didnt take photo with my Coach Lai Ching...
Hmmm..He loves Selfie so much.haha..No problem.Our shake for post recovery meal after exercise.Mine is Vanilla shake!I dont know whats flavour of shake the guy beside me!!

Oh Yes!We did it.Not in Malaysia,but is the whole world.....haha


11:16 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Time: 2.00pm
Date : 21/02/2015 Saturday 
Day 3 Chinese New Year 
Venue : My Home
Theme : Mint Mask Monday.

This is our Herbalife SKIN..Result in 7 days.Refresh and Replenish.
My Dad dont have any experience wash his face,need to trouble his wife and my mum to help him..@@.Speechless
Is really Big Boss..Nap a while when doing Clay Mint Mask

Deng Deng deng..This is my mum Before After.Spot the difference.haha

After done their Mask,My grandma and grandpa come to visit me.Is good to serve them a cup of NW which can give them a good Heart.Hehe.

Last but not least,before i use Herbalife SKIN,i have a dull complexion and an uneven skin problem,and also my very visible pores around my nose area.I love HERBALIFE