2:44 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Venue : Giant Kinrara Puchong
Theme : 15km & 25km Newton Challenge
Time : 28th December 2014
Time : 6.30pm
      Grateful that I can wake up this early morning,at 4.30am....And today is my First Virgin 15KM   Run. I am so excited and a bit nervous,because don't have any experience for the run above 10KM.Don't forgot to take have your shake before you start your RUN.If not,you will get faint.

Flag off time 6.30am.Thanks God the weather so NICE.And I  I enjoy my slow jog..hahah..

Time flies,and I managed to use 1 hour to run for 10km.And of course thanks to Herbalife Protein Bar to boost up my energic.Still have 5KM to go.Honestly,I am super tired and low energic.I feel like my leg is not my leg.(Almost give up!!!!)But I told myself,if everybody can do it,WHY NOT ME?GO GO GO,still have 2KM to GO~~~~~~~~

And finally,I Finish it!2 hours and 07 minutes,and I am in the ranking of 151..haha.
We are Herbalifer.We enjoy Healthy Active Lifestyle.
3 of us are 15km FINISHER
PS: 15km for me is a quite long journey.is not about the stamina,but also we need to have a good mental .When I saw the notice board showed that still have 2km to go,i am already in the low energic mood.However,with the strong mental,i told myself must finish it.Do you want to CHALLENGE yourself?YES,I must.So,I just continue.And finally,i done it and make it happen
28th DECEMBER 2014.


12:47 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Happy Christmas and Happy New Year to all my friends.Enjoy your special day with you BELOVED.Cheers


2:13 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Throw Back
Venue : My Character de Coffee
Time : 8pm
Thanks to advance technology Beetalk.I know SKY from Beetalk.After have a short Chit Chat,he said want to have a Healthy Breakfast.He told me why he want to have a Healthy Breakfast,is because he want to get a Healthy Baby in the future.So,he and his wife currently are in the process of taking care their health before they ready to have their baby.
Wow!A very responsible Father and Mother To-Be.
So,today he ready to start Nutrition  12 3.And thanks for believe me as your Coach.
SKY come from China,while me come from Sabah.Different Background but same mission--WE LOVE TO HAVE A HEALTHY BODY.So Do you?


1:58 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Throw Back
Venue: Times Square 14th Floor
Theme : Success Training Seminar (STS)
Time: 10.00am to 11.00am Fit Hour
12.00pm-5.00pm STS
14/12/2014 Sunday
Wow,amazing T25 workout with a geng of positive friends at Times Square 14th floor.
After finish our exercise,have a cup of shake as our muscle post recovery which is only 100 calories.

Lets the Fat cry!!!!
Sharing from President Stella Kam.She is a housewife before.After use product,she gain weight.Another amazing result is,she said"before I don't know English,and Herbalife is come from USA,so after use the product,i automatic know how to speak English."
Training Start.My shake today is Chocolate mix with oats..hahaha
Yes,I like to attend Herbalife Training.Why?Hmm..Not only product training,but also is about Personal Development Training.I believe you all will get inspire.Join me next time.


2:40 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Theme: Chinese Business Partner Focus Group+ Dream Board 
Venue : SS2 Get Fit Studio
Time : 5.00pm-7.00pm
Date : 10/12/2014 Wednesday
Finally I have done my Dream Board!!!!Is really POWERFUL.Thanks to our COACH Mr Fei who encourage us to do our own Dream Board.Feel it and dare to Dream it!!
Yeah,This is my DREAM BOARD.Must achieve it in the Year 2015.I can DO it!!

LoseWeight/GainWeight/HealthyBreakfast!Ask Me How!!!


3:57 PM Unknown 0 Comments

#Throw Back#
Venue : Jusco Maluri
Time : 3.00pm
Date : 07/12/2014
What a Fruitful Day today.Just complete my 7km Run today.Thanks to Nutrition Shake so that i can able to complete my 7km Run.
Then,at 3pm come to meet my New Friend Iqbal who i knew from Beetalk.He would like to know more about Herbalife Shake how to help him Gain Weight.Finally he want to start teamix and Vanilla Shake.And thanks for believe me as your COACH.


3:38 PM Unknown 0 Comments

#Throw Back#
Venue : Coffee Shop
Time : 4.30pm
Date: 06/12/2014
Grateful that i met Azry at Kuchai Lama Cimb Bank Roadshow.After join 2 times Fit Club at SS2,finally he decide to join Session 5 Get Fit Challenge.Yeah!!!
Thanks to Nic for your sharing the Get Fit Challenge to Azry.And thanks Azry for believe me and let me be your COACH.


12:31 PM Unknown 0 Comments

(吉隆坡27日讯)马来西亚人已和美食建立起「越来越不健康的关係」,以致大马成为东南亚最肥胖的国家,卫生部长拿督斯里苏巴马廉形容,一种叫「肥胖」的流行病(obesity epidemic)正在大马美食文化中蔓延开来。











3:53 PM Unknown 1 Comments

Time: 10.00am to 4.0pm
Venue:Berjaya Times Square 14th floor
Theme: Success Training Seminar(STS)
My sponsor said neer miss any event,even no new people go with you.YES,i DO.No problem.I like EVENT and I like TRAINING so muchie.Herbalife is Healthy Active Lifestyle right now.So,before we start the training,ZUMBA for 1 hour first.It was an awesome ZUMBA..haha..And I like ZUMBA so much..Sweat nonestop..huhu.. No problem.Lets the FAT cry..haha
At 12.30pm,we start our training.It is our pleasure can hear a President's Sharing from Hong Kong,President Christopher Lo.A very young and SMART guy..haha
Solo photo with President Christopher Lo

Take photo with a geng after our Zumba time..


1:35 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Theme:丰盛人生 Why and How
Time: 8.00-10.00pm
Venue: Times Square 14th floor
谢谢我的引荐人Lai Ching,把我带进这个温馨的大家庭。


1:53 PM Unknown 0 Comments






11:53 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Throw Back

Do you like to drink coffee?Do you always go to the coffee shop that you like?Yes,I Do.I like to drink coffee and also like the environment very much.I always go the coffee shop located in Kuchai Lama to relax myself and until the waitress can recognize me.But have you ever try share Herbalife to the waitress?For me,i feel shy and never share Herbalife to them.But one day,i suddenly push myself talk to the waitress who always serve my very well.I ask,Do you want to GAIN WEIGHT?she said YES.And I heard Herbalife before.

And good news is,after 1 month she finally decided to start with the shake.4 months I have been sitting in the same coffee shop,and everytimes she saw me bring Herbalife Bottle,wear Herbalife Tshirt.And finally,she Start drink Shake.

So,Herbalife is everywhere.And everybody need our help.

Gain Weight/Lose Weight,Ask Me!


3:53 PM Unknown 0 Comments

I saw this post from our President Team's facebook.Just simply share to you all..

While in a monorail this morning, I saw someone having a Herbalife 1 liter water bottle filled with 'dark' tea talking casually to another passenger in the train. After asking her, she said she has been taking Herbalife nutrition over 3 years now and have lost a total of 80kgs. She sell 'nasi lemak' for a living. I curiously asked her again, how does she pays for the products? She said that she sh...ared her product results to people, earned some income to pay for her own products. Amazing how determination exceed negativity! Many people just gave up because they cannot buy the products. But some are out there who value health more than anything else. They don't have excuses. Tahniah Toyyibah! #Herbalife Disclaimer: all results are not typical. Individual results may varies.
Ps: I know Toyyibah before.She was a great Coach.If she can do it,You can Do it also.


4:17 PM Unknown 0 Comments

I love Multivaimin.It provides me 20 vitamins and minerals essential for good health,helps me have a healthy bones,skin and hair.


5:10 PM Unknown 0 Comments

GI is an index to measure how fast food turned into sugar(sugar provides energy to the body)
High GI Food(70 and above): sweet corn,white bread,white rice,doughnut,instant noodle and popcorn.
Medium GI Food(56-69) :sponge cake,burger,pineapple,ice-cream,pizza and muffin.
Low GI Food:(55 and below): banana,white corn,sweet potato,tomato,apple,brown rice,and F1 shake is the lowest at 16!
Pick a LOW GI food for healthy body!The more steady a food releases sugar into the blood stream,the better control of the blood sugar level,and we feel fuller for a longer period--Less carving!


1:24 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Date:26/10/2014 Sunday
Time: 12.00am
Activity : My Big Day
Thanks to my lovely mum brought me to this world.I love you so muchie.I m very fine here,will work hard for our future.Thank you Thank you Thank You.
And thanks for my buddies for the birthday celebration.Lets work hard now,play hard later.Happy birthday to me.
Some friends ask me,what is your feeling right now?Hmm,honestly no feeling,just feel like more wiser..hahaha.Anyway,is just a Number only.But most important,i am getting wiser and gain more wisdom.So,never said yourself old yaa..Hahaha.(but with the good nutrition,i still can enjoy my Healthy Active Lifestyle.)

Thank you to my buddy for my birthday celebration.Appreciate it so much.

My birthday cake,simple..but so chocolate..hahaha.High Calories you know.You all love my so muchie,feed me a very high calories chocolate.Speechless..haahaha

My Buddy Nic help me capture photo.Hmm,I help you take so nice photo,but you......speechless!!@@
Halloween is around the corner,design a photo for myself..looks real right?hahahahaha.Anyway,Happy Halloween to my friends


1:02 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Date: 25/10/2014 Saturday
Venue: Taman Tasik Titiwangsa
Activity : Herbalife 5K Fun Run
Yeah,I am ready for my 5K Fun Run.My BID number today 1947!

We are early bird.5.30am already reach Taman Tasik Titiwangsa.Selfie first!!

Today is Herbalife 5K Fun Run and also Herbalife Nutrition Day.

Warm up first.

Everybody is ready for 5K Run.

Mohd Firdaus is on the stage!!

Selfie with Encik Kamal.

Healeeds,thanks for your support.Very amazing record,25 minutes already finish his 5K Run.He already get used to run.Haha

And also well done to my junior,Mr Yap Chu Guan.Today is his first 5K run.He said he almost give up,but luckily he not.Congrats he done it.Hope this is not your last run yaa..

Then,never forgot to take photo with them,Healeeds and Yap.

His first time drink our Herbalife Shake,Tropical Shake!
After finish our 5K run,i do a wellness scan for Mr Yap.Suprisingly he want to start a 50g TeaMix and also Vanilla Shake.This is the power of Event.Thank you thank you Thank you!And congrats to him for making a good choice.Gambateh,You Can DO It!


1:17 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Date : 22nd October 2014
Venue : Ask me How center @ Damnsara Uptown
Activity : Focus Group
Special Thanks to President Hsu for your powerful sharing(the "brother" who standing beside me,holding a cup of tea).I knew President Hsu 3 years ago.Now he is 63 years old.But his excited and energy is so so so good.And i like his sharing so much.His sharing is powerful still and he always give me a lot of inspiration and motivation.He share with us,Dont ever forgot your WHY HERBALIFE,no matter you are down or upset.Nobody will help you keep going,only your WHY HERBALIFE.
So,do you still remember your WHY HERBALIFE?
yes..i still remember..Thank you thank you thank you!
After focus group,suprisingly got birthdat celebration for OCT Baby..haha.I am the ONE.Thank you thank you thank you.


12:47 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Date : 19th October 2014
Venue : Mydin USJ
Activity : Roadshow
Roadshow at Mydin USJ for 2 days. In these two days,i managed to help 14 people to know about Herbalife.Of course,some people said YES,some people say NO.But no problem,i believe NO means Next Opportunity.I still enjoy it..hahaha.

At last,i managed to break my eggs too in Sunday..is really last minute..haha.I don't care how many rejection I received,because I only look for serious person.So,congratz to Yanik.She choose to be SMART to have her shake as her breakfast.

We are what we eat.I prefer to feed my body with a good nutrition to have a Healthy Active Lifestyle.But some people they don't understand the simple concept.They prefer to choose to have their medicine.That is no wrong or right.We respect your decision.

So,what do you think?


12:23 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Cant remembered the date,but that day is Hari Raya Haji.Me and another partners had a great Personal Development at Times Square.Amazing and handsome speaker come to share with us his story--President KC Loo.
We are queuing for our yummy shake.

Never forgot to have a group photo!

Give a big clap to my VIP.Suppose he celebrate his Hari Raya Haji at Seremban,but thanks to his commitment,he still come.

Farhan took photo with President KC Loo.


3:31 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Do you have passion in your life?

Work,jam,Eat,Sleep then repeat the same thing everyday till retired=ZOMBIE.

I dont like to have a life like ZOMBIE.Thats why Herbalife is a right platform for me to Changing People's Lives.Just like how was i changed 3 years ago.If i didnt give myself a chance,mayb today i totally like a ZOMBIE.

Have you ever do something that make you feel proud today?


2:34 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Good Days Everyone.Have you had your SHAKE today?This early morning i had my vanilla shake.
And,i took Red Bean Soup as my lunch today.Today no protein meal,but sometimes we need to detox also.Red Bean soup is a very popular chinese dessert.Drinking red bean soup helps to clear away heat toxin,promote diuresis and remoe edema.So serving for long time will help you lose weight(not too much sugar,you can put honey instead of sugar),but also remove body fluid.
Lose weight is a short journey.But,we must have a high discipline to make a journey short. 1 week protein meal..GO GO GO Goal


2:15 PM Unknown 0 Comments

 I decided start to have my 1 week protein meal from yesterday.So,this is my 2nd day lunch meal,which is high protein meal.brocoli and edible mushroom.If you wanna gain muscle and lost weight,80% food and 20% exercise.So,think smart before you eat  something so that you wont regret.hahaha.We are what we eat,RIGHT?
And evening,i meet my old colleague.I know her long time ago.She just like my Angel.Two years ago,i was so new in the company.Dont know everything and dont know how to socialize.So,thanks to her because she use her experience share with me how to "survive" in that company(specially you working in a family business and sometimes they wil bring their family conflict to office).But i still not to survive in that company..hahahaha..mayb god arrange for me everything.
Now,i love my current job right now.And i very enjoy what i do everyday.
So today,we apply the MINT MASK together which can give us result in 7 days.Good things must share to your good friend maa...


3:38 PM Unknown 0 Comments

                        You’re Not Eating Enough Calories to Lose Weight

The majority of the time when you’re having a problem losing weight, it’s not because you aren’t making good food choices. The reason why your weight loss has stagnated is because you’re not eating enough calories to lose weight.

What Happens When You’re Not Eating Enough Calories?

When most people start dieting, they slash their calories and add a large amount of exercise to their daily routine. That’s fine, but they usually cut their calories way too low. Add in the extra exercise, and all of a sudden you have an extreme calorie deficit that is working against you.

Not eating enough calories causes many metabolic changes. Your body is a smart machine and senses a large decrease in dietary energy. Your large calorie deficit might work for a few days or even weeks, but eventually your body will wake up and sound alarms that it needs to conserve energy.
It doesn’t want to just waste away. It needs that energy (fat) to survive. So, what does your body do when it senses prolonged energy restriction? Not eating enough calories…


12:15 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Venue : Tmn Connaught



11:55 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Boys and Girls,dont forgot to pamper your SKIN today.
                                                                    Happy Holiday..

                                                Have you Had your MINT MASK today?