3:53 PM Unknown 1 Comments

Time: 10.00am to 4.0pm
Venue:Berjaya Times Square 14th floor
Theme: Success Training Seminar(STS)
My sponsor said neer miss any event,even no new people go with you.YES,i DO.No problem.I like EVENT and I like TRAINING so muchie.Herbalife is Healthy Active Lifestyle right now.So,before we start the training,ZUMBA for 1 hour first.It was an awesome ZUMBA..haha..And I like ZUMBA so much..Sweat nonestop..huhu.. No problem.Lets the FAT cry..haha
At 12.30pm,we start our training.It is our pleasure can hear a President's Sharing from Hong Kong,President Christopher Lo.A very young and SMART guy..haha
Solo photo with President Christopher Lo

Take photo with a geng after our Zumba time..


1:35 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Theme:丰盛人生 Why and How
Time: 8.00-10.00pm
Venue: Times Square 14th floor
谢谢我的引荐人Lai Ching,把我带进这个温馨的大家庭。


1:53 PM Unknown 0 Comments






11:53 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Throw Back

Do you like to drink coffee?Do you always go to the coffee shop that you like?Yes,I Do.I like to drink coffee and also like the environment very much.I always go the coffee shop located in Kuchai Lama to relax myself and until the waitress can recognize me.But have you ever try share Herbalife to the waitress?For me,i feel shy and never share Herbalife to them.But one day,i suddenly push myself talk to the waitress who always serve my very well.I ask,Do you want to GAIN WEIGHT?she said YES.And I heard Herbalife before.

And good news is,after 1 month she finally decided to start with the shake.4 months I have been sitting in the same coffee shop,and everytimes she saw me bring Herbalife Bottle,wear Herbalife Tshirt.And finally,she Start drink Shake.

So,Herbalife is everywhere.And everybody need our help.

Gain Weight/Lose Weight,Ask Me!


3:53 PM Unknown 0 Comments

I saw this post from our President Team's facebook.Just simply share to you all..

While in a monorail this morning, I saw someone having a Herbalife 1 liter water bottle filled with 'dark' tea talking casually to another passenger in the train. After asking her, she said she has been taking Herbalife nutrition over 3 years now and have lost a total of 80kgs. She sell 'nasi lemak' for a living. I curiously asked her again, how does she pays for the products? She said that she sh...ared her product results to people, earned some income to pay for her own products. Amazing how determination exceed negativity! Many people just gave up because they cannot buy the products. But some are out there who value health more than anything else. They don't have excuses. Tahniah Toyyibah! #Herbalife Disclaimer: all results are not typical. Individual results may varies.
Ps: I know Toyyibah before.She was a great Coach.If she can do it,You can Do it also.


4:17 PM Unknown 0 Comments

I love Multivaimin.It provides me 20 vitamins and minerals essential for good health,helps me have a healthy bones,skin and hair.