9:26 PM Unknown 0 Comments

6 tips membantu anda tidur dengan nyenyak

Tidur =kecantikan

Adakah anda kurang tidur?Kita semu tahu betapa pentingnya nutrisi yg baik dn gaya hidup aktif yg menyihatkan kpd kesihatan dan rupa paras fizikal kita.Tetapi tahukah anda betapa pentingnya tidur malam yg nyenyak sepenuhnya?

Berikut adalah beberapa tips pantAs bagaimana anda utk menenangkan diri dan mengalunkan diri agar tidur dgn nyenyak utk sekuraNg-kurangnya 8 jam waktu rehat bagi tujuan memupuk kecantikan.

Tips 1. Bersenam
Tips 2. Jangan makan terlalu banyak pada lewat malam
Tips 3. Gunakan katil anda utk tidur.
Tips 4. Bilik tidur yg selesa menjadi kuncinya
Tips 5. Mengamalkan ritual kecantikan.
Tips 6. Meluahkan segala galanya.

Kenapa tiada sesuatu pun yg patut menghalang anda menikmati tidur yg memupuk kecantikan.

Ingat,semasa anda tidur,semasa itulah badan anda melalui proses pembaikan.Badan kita bekerja sepanjang malam utk mengubat sel kita dan ini memberi kesan terus kpd kesihatan dan keadaan kulit kita secara keseluruhannya.Jika kita tdk cukup tidur,garisan halus dan kedut semakin ketara,kita bangun dgn lingkaran hitam dan bengkak di bawah mata dan kulit muka kita nampak pucat dan kusam.Kita juga bangun dengan perasaan merengus.Apabila kita merengus,kita kurang melemparkan senyuman,dan percayalah,senyuman yg manis mampu memudakan kita.


4:11 PM Unknown 0 Comments

早上光华晨曦,下午狂风暴雨。几个地区都淹水了。算了。今天无法完成任务。敷个冷冰冰的soothing gel,睡个美觉,世界真美妙。
Raining heavily these few days in Sabah..I have no eyes see....Better apply Soothing Gel on my face,and SLEEP  while.hehehe


10:16 PM Unknown 0 Comments


1:25 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Hey Pretty Lady and Handsome Guys watch here.ok kah my result?I have shape up 7kg,improved my back pain,insomia.I am a coffee lover also.(1day 4 cups coffee).After simply change my breakfast,i feel great and energetic.Thanks Herbalife.

Would you like to have some transformation?Get the Free BODY analysis(for non distributor)and know further,please Do not hesitate to wechat,or whatsapp or even facebook(susan.1026@hotmail.com)

Lets live with healthy lifestyle.


12:56 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Are you agree with this statement?You prefer get the product from internet or direct buy from office attached with a Professional Coaches?


10:57 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Yeah...Thank you Fadilah.We managed to do roadshow at RTM because of your effort.I love TEAM WORK!!


10:47 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Walk and Talk at Midvalley...then get the sample from the Coffee Promoter.Hehe


7:01 PM Unknown 0 Comments


Many people said,I am not happy.I ask WHY?They answer me,I dont know.
Well,we can use money to buy our Dream Car or Dream House.But how bout our Happiness?Happiness is just around us,and dont forgot,THAT IS FREE!Just ask urself a 3 question everyday.
1.Am i doing something to inspire someone?
2.Am i a person who care about Personal Development?
3.What had you done that make you feel proud today?


11:56 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life.Because almost everything-all external expectations,all pride,all fear of embarrassment or failure-these things just fall away in the face of death,leaving only what is truly important.Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.You are already naked.There is no reason not to follow your heart.

Your time is limited,so dont waste it living someone else's life.Dont be trapped by dogma-which is living with the results of other people's thinking.Dont let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice.

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life,and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work .And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.If you havent found it yet,keep looking.Dont settle.As with all matters of the heart,you'll know when you find it.And,like any great relationship,it just gets better and better as the years roll on.So keep looking until you find it.
Dont Settle.

Steve Job


9:33 PM Unknown 0 Comments




10:18 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Let others lead small lives,but not you.Let othrsers argue over small things,but not you.Let others cry over small hurts,but not you.Let others leave their future in someone else's hands,but not you.


6:51 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Suapan pertama,lebih tinggi kalorinya.

Apa yang kita makan dengan banyak apabila kita sangat lapar.

Makanan yang anda makan dahulu memberi kesan kepada berapa banyak kalori yang  anda akan makan secara keseluruhannya.

Bayangkan:Waktu makan tengah hari telah tiba dan anda berasa sangat,sangat lapar.Anda lambat bangun dari tidur,anda tidak makan sarapan,dan anda melalui waktu pagi  tanpa berpeluang mengambil snek.Masanya sudah tiba untuk makan,dan anda berhadapan dengan bufet makanan-ada makanan berkanji,ada protein,dan juga sayur-sayuran.

Anda mengisi pinggan anda,duduk,dan mula makan.Sekarang bayangkan apa yang terjadi selepas itu,anda memandang ke arah daging,makanan berkanji dan sayur-sayuran.Mana satu daripada makanan tersebut yang anda akan makan dahulu?

Kemungkinan besar anda akan memilih makanan berkanji-atau mungkin protein-tetapi kemungkinan besar bukan sayur-sayuran.Walaupun memang diketahui bahawa orang akan makan lebih banyak apabila mereka terlalu lapar,tetapi tiada siapa-sehinggalah sekarang-benar benar memberi perhatian kepada apa yang perlu dimakan apabila seseorang itu setel.
ah lama berlapar.Tetapi kajian baharu menyasarkan untuk mengetahui apa yang dimakan oleh orang yang berlapar dan apa yang paling banyak mereka makan selepas 18 jam berlapar.

Anda mungkin menjangkakan bagi seseorang yg berlapar selama 18 jam akan mengambil lebih banyak makanan fdari buffet berbandigng orang lai dan ini memang benar.Tetapi sesuatu yang amat ketara adalah berbanding dengan mereka yg tidak berlapar dengan mereka yg berlapar adalah mereka juga mengambil makanan berkalori tinggi dr pinggan mereka dulu.Dan mereka juga makan lebih banyak  makanan berkalori tinggi di dlm pinggan mereka dulu,lebih 50% drpd mereka yg tk berlapar.Dlm kata lain,sesiapa yg lama berlapar akan mengambil lebih byk makanan berkalori kerana mereka mengambil terlalu byk makanan,tetapi juga mereka makan makanan yg berkalori tinggi dahulu.

Sekarang,anda mungkin berfikir-Buat Apa?Saya akan menghabiskan sepinggan makanan itu juga,jadi apakah perbezaanya jika saya makan mi dulu sebelum saya makan brocoli?Betul juga.Beginilah:anda mungkin tdk akan menghabiskan sepinggan makanan jika anda makan makanan yg berkalori rendah dahulu.Lebih byk anda makan brocoli yg berkalori rendah,anda mungkin kurang makan mi yg berkalori tinggi,dan kurang kalori dlm hidangan makanan andakeseluruhannya.

Susan Bowerman


8:11 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Duta Sukan Herbalife
 Nutrisi Herbalife memperkuasakan Juara 

Herbalife bangga menjadi penaja rasmi bagi lebih daripada 100 acara sukan,pasukan dan atlet di serata dunia.Dengan endorsan ini anda akan berasa yakin dengan kualiti produk kami.


1:39 PM Unknown 0 Comments

30sec Tip: Associate Yourself with People of Good Quality

As we go through life, we have the opportunity to meet a variety of different people. Some become casual acquaintances who we just smile and wave at when we see them and others don’t merit a second thought after they walk out the door, but a select few will make it into the inner circle and become friends.
There are different types of friends, however, and it often takes a while to determine whether the person you enjoy spending time with is a true friend or not. Sure, it’s great to get to know new people, and you might really enjoy hanging out with a particular group on weekends, but how do you feel when you’re around them? Do they elevate your spirits, or put you down? Would the person you go clubbing with on Friday nights come and visit you if you were really sick? What about bailing you out of jail? Would they come with you to break terrible news to your family, or be willing to go for a picnic in the middle of the night just because?
Let’s take a look at a few traits of solid, amazing friends.
Are You Wasting Time with Bad Friends? Here Are 5 Traits of True Friends


10:52 AM Unknown 0 Comments

We just came back from Thailand Extravaganza!!!!and guest what happen in the hall??We all become "sandwiches" when we enter to the hall due 23000 people want to learn from our TOP DISTRIBUTOR and  TOP BUSINESS WOMAN IN USA Susan Peterson.Even sweat..but all is worth.


11:58 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Let's talk about...Protein

Protein is one of the major macronutrients in our food.It provides energy to the body and is used to  build muscles and organs.

Protein are made up of building blocks called amino acids.Many of these amino acids are essential,meaning the body cannot produce  them,and thus they must be obtained through food intake.When a protein contains all the essential amino acids,it is considered a complete protein.Soy protein and all animal sources of protein are considered complete.

If one or more of the essential amino acids is missing,the protein is considered incomplete.With the exception of soy protein,vegetable sources of protein are considered incomplete.However,two incomplete plant proteins,such as rice and beans,can be complementary,if consumed together.

Most protein in our diet coes from both animal(meats,fish,poultry,eggs and milk)products,as well as tplants(beans,lentils and peas).Protein powders,made from soy,whey or egg whites,can also be added to other foods to boost their protein content.

Our bodies require protein to  build and repair muscle tissue(especially after excercise),produce important enzymes and hormones,support our immune system,and keep our energy and stamina levels high.

Daily protein requirements depend on your age,size,fitness level and lifestyle.In general,large(200lb),physically active meals should consume between 100g to 200g per day,while small (100lb),physically active females should have between 50g to 100g per day.

Key Facts
1. Found in both animal and plant products.
2. Other healthy sources include soybeans,nuts and whole grains.
3. Different types required for various functions,such as moverment (muscles),growth(hormones) and sight.

Key Benefits
1. Help build and repair body tissues
2. Provides energy and stamina
3. Satisfies hunger and gives a feeling of fullness
4. Supports lean muscle mass

Did you know? Elderly people may need more protein in their diets than young adults to manufacture muslce tissue


9:52 PM Unknown 0 Comments




Queenie Leung主席曾分享:“全球70亿让人口本来就是同一肢体。爱让我们连接,有着{天地一家}的觉醒,我们自然能无私无我地分享生命给予我们的资源与祝福。”



12:07 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Learn from The Top Herbalife Distributor in Thailand Extravaganza.She is also the Top Business woman in US,but she still humble.This is Herbalife.Herbalife not only Change People Health,but also care our Personal Development.Like this photo Susan Peterson,is because Herbalife.She had change so many people's lives,at the sametimes she also learn How to be a Good Person.And now,she deserve to have Extraordinary Lifestyle.Just imagine that she is your neighbour,feel proud right???

Do you want to be a Better Person and have Extraordinary Lifestyle in  the future?ASK ME HOW?
Susan 016-3359780


2:18 AM Unknown 0 Comments

I strongly believe in the importance of the right nutrition for me as an individual, both on and off the field,” says Ronaldo. “I am looking forward to working with Herbalife, as a company that shares my passion and brings such expertise and knowledge in the area of sports nutrition.”
Cristiano Ronaldo is with Herbalife right now.How about you?We are only just started.Ask me How! 


12:41 PM Unknown 0 Comments

How many water you drink per day??Are you Hydrated?

 Many people said I have drink plenty of water per day..

Yaa..me too! Based on my weight,i drink 6 liter per day..

This chart will give you an idea of whether you are drinking enough water.
Mine is at 1 or 2 level,how about you?


11:34 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Who Is Lazy?是谁懒惰?Siapa yang malas?




前两天,一个月一次的Team meeting请来了Herbalife 马来西亚的总经理Mr.Sridhar。我只能说,句句都是一针见血。我才知道,原来我内心还是有一股强烈的火!这个市场不大吗?为什么有些人可以上到总裁?是谁懒惰?

What had you done that make you feel proud?
Yes..we can do it


8:38 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Are You Looking For A Opportunity?

We can offer you a truly opportunity to change your life.


8:52 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Party at Puchong Utama~~

很快地,Puchong Utama Nutrition Club来到了第五次的Party.每次的party,都会听到一些很感动的故事。



一个以前,他们朋友介绍说Puchong Utama有间营养俱乐部,或许可以去试试看。老公婆就二话不说去寻找朋友口中的营养俱乐部。他们找了三个星期都没办法找到。皇天不负有心人,他们终于找到了。很感恩的是,Operator都还没有走(正准备要离开营养俱乐部!)。






12:28 PM Unknown 0 Comments



10:15 PM Unknown 0 Comments

For things to change,we need to change.For things to get better,we need to get better.~Jim Rohn

I fully believe this quotation.My.missn is want to help people become healthy,especially my family member.I want to help them healthy and wealthy.If i dont change,then who can help them?

So guys,are you ready to change to a better life


10:06 PM Unknown 0 Comments

For things to change,we need to change.For things to get better,we need to get better.


10:46 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Hello...Long Time No See.

Got something to share with you all.

Herbalife has opened up a life for a girl called Jaja.At the age of 35, she is an adopted child to a couple and living with also many adopted child who now are her adopted siblings.At the age of 35,Jaja never stepped into the well known cafe called Paparich,has never shop anywhere,who has very little friends.Because for the past 13 years,she devoted herself to her mak angkat by waking up 4am every morning making and selling nasi lemak by the road side.Her mak angkat never pay her a single cent ,she controls Jaja's money.At the age of 35,Jaja still has to ask for money from her.Jaja knows our mission when i share the nutrition to her last 2012.This is how Jaja's life begin to make a new page.Weighing at nearly 120kg,she has one anak angkat because she thought no one will marry her  and her life is just to be going like this.We had a deep conversation with her between me and my coach Lai Ching about her life motivation,about why she want to change,about how this mission can change her life.I love Herbalife and this mission so much.Lets support Jaja.Jaja,i believe in you.You can do it.


1:13 PM Unknown 0 Comments





Power of the Dream - 1996 Summer Olympics

9:18 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Still remember this song?Celine Dion-The Power Of Dream.
I have a DREAM. My DREAM is want the people i know or even do know happy and healthy.
Who want to be healthy and happy?Said ME!!!


8:50 PM Unknown 0 Comments
