10:52 AM Unknown 0 Comments

We just came back from Thailand Extravaganza!!!!and guest what happen in the hall??We all become "sandwiches" when we enter to the hall due 23000 people want to learn from our TOP DISTRIBUTOR and  TOP BUSINESS WOMAN IN USA Susan Peterson.Even sweat..but all is worth.


11:58 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Let's talk about...Protein

Protein is one of the major macronutrients in our food.It provides energy to the body and is used to  build muscles and organs.

Protein are made up of building blocks called amino acids.Many of these amino acids are essential,meaning the body cannot produce  them,and thus they must be obtained through food intake.When a protein contains all the essential amino acids,it is considered a complete protein.Soy protein and all animal sources of protein are considered complete.

If one or more of the essential amino acids is missing,the protein is considered incomplete.With the exception of soy protein,vegetable sources of protein are considered incomplete.However,two incomplete plant proteins,such as rice and beans,can be complementary,if consumed together.

Most protein in our diet coes from both animal(meats,fish,poultry,eggs and milk)products,as well as tplants(beans,lentils and peas).Protein powders,made from soy,whey or egg whites,can also be added to other foods to boost their protein content.

Our bodies require protein to  build and repair muscle tissue(especially after excercise),produce important enzymes and hormones,support our immune system,and keep our energy and stamina levels high.

Daily protein requirements depend on your age,size,fitness level and lifestyle.In general,large(200lb),physically active meals should consume between 100g to 200g per day,while small (100lb),physically active females should have between 50g to 100g per day.

Key Facts
1. Found in both animal and plant products.
2. Other healthy sources include soybeans,nuts and whole grains.
3. Different types required for various functions,such as moverment (muscles),growth(hormones) and sight.

Key Benefits
1. Help build and repair body tissues
2. Provides energy and stamina
3. Satisfies hunger and gives a feeling of fullness
4. Supports lean muscle mass

Did you know? Elderly people may need more protein in their diets than young adults to manufacture muslce tissue


9:52 PM Unknown 0 Comments




Queenie Leung主席曾分享:“全球70亿让人口本来就是同一肢体。爱让我们连接,有着{天地一家}的觉醒,我们自然能无私无我地分享生命给予我们的资源与祝福。”



12:07 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Learn from The Top Herbalife Distributor in Thailand Extravaganza.She is also the Top Business woman in US,but she still humble.This is Herbalife.Herbalife not only Change People Health,but also care our Personal Development.Like this photo Susan Peterson,is because Herbalife.She had change so many people's lives,at the sametimes she also learn How to be a Good Person.And now,she deserve to have Extraordinary Lifestyle.Just imagine that she is your neighbour,feel proud right???

Do you want to be a Better Person and have Extraordinary Lifestyle in  the future?ASK ME HOW?
Susan 016-3359780


2:18 AM Unknown 0 Comments

I strongly believe in the importance of the right nutrition for me as an individual, both on and off the field,” says Ronaldo. “I am looking forward to working with Herbalife, as a company that shares my passion and brings such expertise and knowledge in the area of sports nutrition.”
Cristiano Ronaldo is with Herbalife right now.How about you?We are only just started.Ask me How!