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Shoting Session--- Part 2
Lets Imagine our Future........
view of the coffee shop
Looks like I am Interview This Guy Now..@@
Me:"Pres Sam,may you share your Herbalife Journey? How do you become President Team?"
Sam: "Erm...well,I dont have secret.Just Use The Product,Wear The Button,Talk To the People."
Hmm..after done my "Interview Session",now have a Welfie Photo with his Partner..wahahahaha
The purple Guy is his Millilionaire Team Member Nic Ng,and then the pretty girl behind me is Get Team Member Lycia Pang....
Mmmmm..okok.3 Tab Team Member is in the HOUSE.

You know who you are Now,But YOU totally dont know WHAT YOU WILL BECOME.If you have a DREAM,Make it come TRUE.This is the Power Of Dream.

Is it feel Good if you have this kind of Friends can chill out together in the situation of  Financial Freedom and Time Freedom?

So,What are you still waiting for?Start your Action to WORK for your FUTURE.
