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Date : 11 January 2015 Sunday
Venue: Padang Merbuk
Theme : MPIB Run 2015
New Year Good News. I am ready to become better person this year.I am ready to transform myself.If my friends who know me very well,sure that I definitely not a sporty person.But start from June 2014,i started myself with a 5KM run which is ENERGIZER RUN,and I use almost 1km to finish my 5k run..(can know my stamina is so weak last time..haha)But I never give up,(in Chinese we said打不死的蟑螂,),i keep train  myself ,5km to 7km,and then direct straight to 15km.
And new year GOOD News,i finish my 12km run..Hooray.
My friend ask me,How come you suddenly so active in sport and What Make you suddenly have a BIG change?Hmmm...The ANSWER is vey SIMPLE."That is not SUDDENLY,is just that i want myself have a good and meaningful memory for my whole life."
People who you know also the key point.If you surrounded yourself with the people who always complaint,then slowly you will become that person.

The guy beside me Healeeds with Bid Number A0431,i met this guy 1 and half year ago( year 2013) at Taman Titik Wawangsa,that time i still yet to active in any run.In the New Year,finally we met in the same event.

Never forgot to have a GROUPFIE.haha

No matter you run 9km or 12km,and no matter you just walk or run,at least you FINISH it.

Me and Healeeds.Thanks for your encouragement.
My record!Mayb for you,is normal.But for me,is really a BIG gift for me in this New Year.But try to improve again in 5km..next time 30 minutes ok?hahaha
Last but not least,Thanks to Herbalife Nutrition who gives me a good stamina and good LEG..haha..12km looks like SHORT and EASY,but not SIMPLE.hahaha.
My NEW resolutions in this year.
1. Inspire more people specially my friends enjoy their Healthy Active Lifestyle.
2. 21KM by JUNE 2015
3. New World Team Memberby MAY 2015